
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Writing a syllabus for AP Biology for the College Board

My big project for this summer was to complete the course audit with the College Board for AP Biology.  Even though I started teaching the class last year, my school did not pressure me to complete this right away.  Actually, we were focused on getting the class approved as a University in the High School class.  Since that was completed last year, I decided this year, I would complete the course audit, so the class could officially be called "Advanced Placement Biology".  I am so grateful for the freedom my school gave me to wait.  After teaching the class, I felt like I had a much better grip on the new content and could focus on how the class fit with the big ideas, enduring understandings, and essential knowledge for the course.  I was also glad for the time this summer to concentrate on this without having the pressure of keeping up with teaching.  I was pretty obsessive about following all of the guidelines given by the College Board, and although the Board said approval could take up to 60 days, it went much faster than that.  Here's a link to the syllabus: AP Biology Syllabus The most interesting parts (to me at least) are the last few pages.

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