
Monday, August 14, 2017

An Onboarding Video for Physical Science

In preparing for gamifying my Physical Science class, I've been reading blog posts, listening to the Well PlayED podcast, and participating in the #XPLAP twitter chat when I can (10PM is so late sometimes!) Several people who gamify make intro videos to help get students excited about the game. I've been working on the Apple Teacher certification and most recently finished the iMovie badge. It just made sense to give making this intro video a try with iMovie.

I enlisted the help of my younger two daughters to set the scene, make some characters, and try our hands at some stop-motion animation. (Much laughing ensued at some of our mistakes--and the girls begged me to leave them in.) After taking over 100 pictures we looked at the themed trailers in iMovie and decided their retro trailers was a perfect match. I briefly hopped over to Google Photos to make the animations since the assistant in Photos makes it so easy. Then we got to work choosing pictures for the trailer, and changing the titles on the pages to match the theme of my class. You may notice that I added a couple of quick shots of items and badges-just to pique their curiosity. I'm hoping this trailer will at least add some anticipation for the class.

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