
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Guided Reading Questions

I like for my students to have guided reading questions to help focus their attention on the most important parts of the chapters as they read them.  The Holtzclaws have written guided reading questions for the 8th edition of Campbell's Biology that are readily available online, but the questions cover the whole chapter.  They are extensive, and for all the work that needs to be done in AP Biology, they can be overwhelming.  Biology Junction is one place that has them all.

I wanted those questions, but only the ones that directly pertained to the new AP Biology curriculum framework.  In class, we used the Pearson Education Test Prep Series for AP Biology (also by the Holtzclaws), which was written for the 10th Edition Campbell Biology and the 1st Edition Biology in Focus as a secondary text.  I personally used it as a guide to know which guided reading questions to keep and which to eliminate.  These guided reading questions should work for any editions of Campbell Biology and even Biology in Focus (although the chapter numbers will be different).

Below are links to the chapters in my first unit of instruction on Biochemistry.

Chapter 2: The Chemical Context of Life
Chapter 3: Water
Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life
Chapter 5: Macromolecules
Chapter 8: Enzymes (partial)

I'm still working on tweaking the other units, but I'll post them as they are finalized.

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