
Monday, November 25, 2024

APES Sustainability Lab

Right after Thanksgiving Break, we're doing the Sustainability AP Lab AKA Tragedy of the Commons. 

Last year, we used Kristi Schertz's Happy Fishing Lab that you can find here. The only modification that I made was that our fishing poles were straws with paper clips to catch Fruit Loops instead of mini marshmallows. Well, that and we used way too many fish. I'll be using AP's suggested number of fish this time!

This year, we'll still start with the data tables from the Happy Fishing Lab, but it will be Part 1 of the AP Sustainability Lab. Then we'll move onto the actual AP lab for Part 2. I put together this Google Sheet to help students keep track of their data for part 2. I like to keep all of the class data together so students can see what other groups are doing. I also just add another tab each year by making a copy of the master tab. I have some Sheets from labs in AP Bio that have nearly 10 years of data!

The sheet is set up for four groups of four, but the groupings could always be copied and pasted for more groups, or even multiple tabs made.